Monthly Archives: September 2013

I put some “new” shoes on and suddenly everything’s right

Egad it’s September! I’m beginning to realise that blogging is not unlike detoxing-you start with the best of intentions, fall of the wagon a few weeks in, wake up and realise a month has gone by but you only had 1 dry day and scramble to do penance!

Exhibit A:  well loved and very comfy Geox Respira flats. These were a birthday parent from my mum and I’ve wore them almost every day for 2 years. They are perfect for the home-station-office-out-home commute, with the added bonus of sweaty feet defence. Originally white and navy, they’ve gotten a little worst for wear – prime candidate for a minor experiment. No photos since the close up ain’t pretty!

Exhibit B : Dylon leather shoe dye. The kit comes with premixed dye, a small brush and a cleaning block that looks a bit like a nail buffer.










Step 1  : Assemble your weapons. The little brush that came with the kit had rather stiff bristles so I used an old paintbrush instead.









Step 2: Clean your item with the cleaning block per the enclosed instructions. Allow the shoes to dry, then stuff newspaper in the toes to minimise creasing.

Step 3: Shake the bottle of dye well and start painting your shoes. As with “household” painting, thin and even is the way to go. There will be an amazing moment of instant gratification as the off white shoes magically disappear right before your eyes.

Step 4 : Admire the before and after.  I left them to dry overnight and touched up the dye job on Day 2, followed by an extra coat of waterproofing on Day 3.


Sidenote: I’ve worn them for around 3 weeks now in the tropical weather + rain and they’ve held up fine!